Category: Dashboard & Overviews

Cargo Cube offers following overview pages:

1. Shipment Overview – see all relevant information regarding your shipment.

2. Container Overview – sublevel of the shipment overview. Gives detailed information about an individual container.

3. Stockitem and Stockmovement Overview – provides an overview about inventory levels and the respective movements to and from a warehouse (this function can only be applied if the FMS WMS is used).

4. Order Overview – gives an overview about the status of individual orders. This is related to our order management function.

5. Transport Order Overview – related to the shipment overview. Gives a detailed breakdown about pre- and on-Carriage transports, as well as pure overland moves.

6. Shipping Request Overview – gives an overview about all placed bookings. (Pre-shipment stage)

All overview pages can be adapted to customer needs. For example, these column customizations can be implemented:

  • Number & type: What columns should be available on what overviews? (selection of available columns from a pool)
  • Sequence: In which order shall the columns be displayed?
  • Wording: How should the column headings be named?



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