Category: Dashboard & Overviews

Cargo Cube offers three different filter options to get a quick overview of specific issues:

  1. Quick Search
  2. Filter Module
  3. Filter Widgets
  1. Quick Search

The easiest way to filter overview pages is via quick search. The corresponding input fields can be found in the middle of the header area and allow you to enter references, partners, etc.

  1. Filter Module on Overview Pages

At the top of all overview pages, a filter function is available. This enables the filtering of specific scenarios, that can also be saved as a filter template. The templates are provided within the dropdown menu on the top right area.

Clicking on the button “Filter” opens the settings level. The required scenarios can be set there, for example filtering for shipments with red SC status. There, the filter can also be customized in terms of naming, colors and icons. Clicking on the button “Save as Template” makes the filter available in the template dropdown menu mentioned above.

  1. Filter Widgets: Quick Access to Filtered Scenarios

The creation of so-called filter widgets on the dashboard enables quick access to filtered overview pages.

The basis for this is a set of filter templates that are created using the filter module from point 2. In addition to the filter dropdown, these templates are also available within the user settings under “Dashboard” tab / Configure Widget. Filter widgets can be activated and deactivated for both, the web frontend and the Cargo Cube Mobile App. The entries can be moved via drag and drop to change the widget order on the dashboard.



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