Category: Tracking & Tracing

The SC status (Supply Chain Status) on Cargo Cube provides information about the current transport stage of your goods within the supply chain. It is set for the shipment and each container of the shipment. This is done by transforming the trackings received from carriers into our SC status scheme. The SC status flow has clearly defined sequences and consist of two main elements: the verbal status and a color status.

The color status indicates the punctuality by calculating deviations. Yellow means too early, green on time and red on delay. These colors can be customized. The same applies for deviations: Customers can define deviations. E.g. a deviation of +4 days at POD is red. Generally, the milestone quality “Confirmed” is used as baseline for the calculation of deviations. Other milestone qualities such as “Requested” can be used as well.

The Status Flow can be subdivided into:

Pre-Carriage (Stage from Shipper to Port of Loading)

SC Status (Supply Chain Status)Definition
NEWInitial Status (No Movements so far)
GATE OUT EMPTYEmpty Container picked up at Depot (Origin)
LOADED INTERMODAL VEHICLE PREShipment/Container has been loaded on Intermodal Vehicle (Origin)
ARRIVAL INTERMODAL DESTINATION PREShipment/Container has arrived on Intermodal Destination (Origin)
GATE IN FULLFull Container returned to Terminal (POL)

Main-Carriage (Stage from Port of Loading to Port of Discharge)

SC Status (Supply Chain Status)Definition
LOADEDShipment/Container loaded on the vessel (POL)
DEPARTEDVessel departed (POL)
TRANSSHIPMENTShipment/Container discharged from vessel (≠ POD)
ON BOARDShipment/Container loaded on the vessel (≠ POL)
ARRIVEDVessel arrived (POD)
DISCHARGEDShipment/Container discharged from vessel (POD)

On-Carriage (Stage from Port of Discharge to Consignee)

SC Status (Supply Chain Status)Definition
GATE OUT FULLContainer picked up at the Terminal (POD)
LOADED INTERMODAL VEHICLEShipment/Container has been loaded on Intermodal Vehicle (Destination)
ARRIVAL INTERMODAL DESTINATIONShipment/Container has arrived on Intermodal Destination (Destination)
DELIVERED TO CONSIGNEEShipment/Container has been delivered to Place of Delivery
GATE IN EMPTYEmpty Container returned to Depot (Destination)


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