As with the web application, you can also structure your mobile overview entries according to your needs.

You can make these adjustments with just a few clicks in the user settings of your web application:
1. Go to the user settings of your desktop application.
2. Activate „Expert Mode“.
3. Navigate to “Overview Tables” tab, go to „Columns“ area.
4. Select the target of your customizations in the menu on the left: shipment or container overview page.
5. Within the “Active” window, you will find all available columns, your “Mobile” window shows the active default column set of your mobile app.
6. Click on the required column in the “Active” window and move it to „Mobile“ window using the blue arrow button.
7. Click on the relevant column in the “Mobile” window if you want to remove a column. Use the red arrow button to remove it from the active mobile set.
8. By clicking on an active column and using the gray up / down arrows, you can vary the position of the column within your mobile overview entry.
9. Click on „Save“ button to activate your customizations.
10. Switch to your Cargo Cube Mobile App. Log off once and log in again. Your selected column set is now active.